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Storm Brakes

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Rail Clamps and Rail Brakes. Electric and hydraulic operated Storm Brakes for Mining and Crane operations prevent machines from unwanted movements. All variations are IIoT-ready for easy upgrades to further optimize performance and reliability. IIoT solutions can be implemented at any time.

Key Benefits

Rail Clamps for large and minimum vertical fluctuations
Retractable Rail Clamps for high speed cranes
Rail Press Brakes apply spring force on top of rail
Rail Brakes self-adjusting
Wheel Brakes electrical parking & safety devices
Wheel Brakes hydraulic parking & safety devices


Learn More

Download brochure for specific data and technical drawings on below  products.
GRC Rail Clamps
LRC Rail Clamps
RRC Retractable Rail Clamps
SRB-C Rail Press Brakes
SRB-SA Rail Brakes - Self Adjusting
EWB Wheel Brakes Electrical
HWB Wheel Brakes Hydraylic

Markets Grid 630X360px


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